
Jynnette Lewis is an artist based in Los Angeles, CA.

Her short film BLACK SAND is out now.

She is an anti-capitalist, womanist, Afrofuturist, spiritualist.

Her current artist praxis is “working theory” - an approach to creative expression centered on the fact that an artist’s work is ever finished and that they refine it over time. The current themes being explored:

Sovereignty / Identity / Spirituality

“Did you drop it low for Jesus today?”

- Jynnette


BLACK SAND out now!

Follow the Guardian in her quest to protect the Book of the Universe from power hungry Gods. Will she be able to save the Book--and herself--before it's too late?



From conceptual explorations to completed bodies of work, explore the world of Jynnette….



Follow the Guardian in her quest to protect the Book of the Universe from power hungry Gods. Will she be able to save the book--and herself--before it's too late?

working theory-1

This piece explores the relationship between Mind, Inner Child, and Mother/Father God.

BTS: “working theory-1”

Come behind the scenes for the conceptual video shoot.